
Tax Calculator for 2019/20 Tax Year

The 2019/20 tax calculator provides a full payroll, salary and tax calculations for the 2019/20 tax year including employers NIC payments, P60 analysis, Salary Sacrifice, Pension calculations and more. Completed overhauled for 2019-19 tax year, our new salary and tax calculator is built to support all your salary and payroll audit needs. If you are looking for a feature which isn't available, contact us and we will add your requirements to this free payroll calculation tool. You can also view historical tax years though certain features and views are restricted..

The 2019/20 tax calculator includes the tax figures and personal allowances for 2019/20 as published on

Tax Calculator
Advanced Calculator options
You're entitled to the basic tax-free Personal Allowance
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Please use the dedicated Pay Rise Calculator for this feature

iCalculator Tax Calculators

The Tax Calculators on iCalculator are updated for the 2023/24 tax year. You can calculate your take home pay based of your gross income, PAYE, NI and tax for 2023/24. Use the simple tax calculator or switch to the advanced tax calculator to review employers national insurance payments, income tax deductions and PAYE tax commitments for 2024.

PAYE and Tax calculations can seem complex, the following are taken into consideration when calculating your salary and take home pay:
Gross Salary | Tax Free Allowance | Taxable Pay | Tax Due | Your National Insurance | Employer National Insurance | Your Pension Contributions | HMRC Pension Contributions | Net Pay

Top Tip: Did you know you can legally reduce your National Insurance bill and increase your take home pay? Read more about Salary Sacrifice

Which Tax Calculator is best for me?

Each calculator provides the same salary analysis but is tailored to allow you to enter your salary based on how you are used to being paid (hourly, daily etc.) and/or specific tax scenarios such as being a landlord or a company director with combined PAYE and Dividend income. Each pay calculator includes personal tax allowances, calculates your National Insurance Contributions and your Employers National Insurance Contributions, deductions PAYE etc. and provides a breakdown of your annual salary with Monthly, Quarterly Weekly, Daily and Hourly pay illustrations.

Tax and Salary Calculators