
Salary Calculators and Tax Calculators

The tax calculators listed below and for the United Kingdom, if you pay income tax in Scotland, you should use our Scottish Tax Calculator 2024. Select a specific tax calculator from the list below to calculate your annual gross salary and net take home pay after deductions for earnings generated in the UK. If you are completing your self-assessment return or reviewing your end of year earnings you should check through our dedicated P60 and End of Year tax calculations section. We also provide Online Self Assessment Calculators and UK Contractor Calculators

Which Tax Calculator is best for me?

The tax calculators below provide detailed tax analysis and are designed to allow you to enter your salary based on how you are paid (hourly rate, daily rate, annual salary etc.) and/or specific tax scenarios such as being a landlord or a company director with combined PAYE and Dividend income. Each calculator includes personal tax allowances, calculates your National Insurance Contributions and your Employers National Insurance Contributions, deductions PAYE etc. and provides a salary snapshot of your annual salary with Monthly, Quarterly Weekly, Daily and Hourly rate pay calculations.

Tax and Salary Calculators

All Tax Calculators on iCalculator are updated with the latest Tax Rates and Personal Allowances for 2023/24 tax year.

Self Assessment 2024

Don't leave your Self Assessment Tax Return to the last minute this year, update your information on the go and save time and stress, you will probably save yourself a few pounds too. Prepare for 2024 Self Assessment now with our free self assessment tools and online interactive self assessment tools..

Did You know.... iCalculator is packed with financial calculators which cover everything from VAT payment calculations to Landlord Income Tax calculations. Our tax calculators are designed to make it easy for you to understand how much you pay and how your money is divided up. Making Tax Simple.