This 2021 P60 form is designed to mimic the style and layout for the 2021 P60 form used by HMRC. The form is flat (so it does not calculate) and may not render correctly depending on your browser due to certain anomalies on browser views but will print / email correctly. This P60 Form is designed to allow you to manually enter Employee Annual Earning figures to produce a new or replacement P60 which you can save as a PDF or email to yourself / your employee. We also provide a self calculating HMRC P60 form which will produce a full PAYE, Employee NIC and Employer NIC calculations for you.
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Please keep this certificate in a safe place as you will need it if you have to fill in a tax return. You also need it to make a claim for tax credits or to renew your claim.
It also helps you check that your employer is
using the correct National Insurance number
and deducting the right rate of
National Insurance contributions.
By law you are required to tell
HM Revenue & Customs about any income that is not fully taxed, even if you are not sent a tax return.
HM Revenue & Customs
The figures marked ★ should be used for your tax return, if you get one
Pay | Tax deducted | |
p £ | p £ | |
if refund mark 'R' | ||
★ | ||
NIC table letter | Earnings at the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) (where earnings are equal to or exceed the LEL) | Earnings above the LEL, up to and including the Primary Threshold (PT) | Earnings above the PT, up to and including the Upper Accrual Point (UAP) | Earnings above the UAP, up to and including the Upper Earnings Limit (UEL) | Employee's contributions due on all earnings above the PT |
£ | £ | £ | £ | p £ | |
included in the pay In this employment figure above
p £ | p £ | p £ | |||
p £ | |||||
£ | |
Student Loan deductions in this employment (whole £s only) |
This form shows your total pay for Income Tax purposes in this employment for the year.
Any overtime, bonus, commission etc, Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay, Additional Statutory Paternity Pay/Shared Parental Pay or Statutory Adoption Pay is included.
P60(Single sheet)(2024/25) | Do not destroy | iCalculator 04/24 |
In the United Kingdom, there are different types of certificates that issue by the government for tax payers. These forms include P45, P11D and P60.
P45 form is issued by a company to the employee when the employee is leaving job. It includes the statement of how much you were paid from the start of the year to the last day of your job, and what was deducted for tax, USC and PRSI during this period.
It includes four parts: Part 1 must be sent to the HMRC while the other three parts are to be issued to the employer. Part 1A can be kept for the employee's records while Part 2 and 3 will be required should they wish to start another job or claim Jobseeker's Allowance.
As an employer, you should follow the P60 checklist if you are unsure of your legal requirment with issuing a P60.
P11D form is a tax form filed by United Kingdom employers for each director and for each employee and sent to the tax office with which their PAYE scheme is registered. P11Ds are used to report benefits provided and expense payments made to employees by employers that are not put through the payroll. The employees are also provided a copy, should they need it for a self-assessment tax return.
P60 Form is issued to tax payers at the end of the year. You should never destroy your P60 form. Failure to deliver P60s on time may lead to an investigation by HMRC. The P60 is also a vital document needed when querying a tax code, claiming a tax refund or completing a tax return as well as instances when our personal circumstances change. If the unfortunate scenario does arise where a P60 form is lost or misplaced, it is the responsibility of an employer to source a replacement copy. If you are employed by more than one company on 5th April of the following year, you'll receive separate P60 forms from each employer. Employers are legally obliged to give P60s by the 31st of May. This will allow enough time to check the details before filing a tax return.
Employees need their P60s to prove how much tax they've paid on their salaries and make any claims, for example:
P60 form is divided into various sections:
Next: P60 Checklist
Previous: P60 Explained
iCalculator's P60 Guides and P60 Calculators include detailed information and guidance to help you understand your P60, identify key parts of the P60, explain how your P60 is calculated and what information you need to know and understand about a P60 as an employee and employer. Our aim with the P60 guides is to provide insight into the correct completion of a P60, whether it be an audit as an employer to ensure your end of year certificates are calculating correctly or as an employee to check that you have paid the right amount of income tax and, if not, how to claim any overpaid tax back.