
Conversion Calculators

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Conversions are an indispensable tool in mathematics and everyday life. Whether you're calculating areas using our 2D shape calculators or planning your next recipe, understanding conversions is essential. This tutorial will navigate you through the ocean of conversions, including weight, ratios, time, power, heat, and fractions and provides links to all the convesion calculators you could possible need. You can also access our Math Tutorials and Math Calculators from the quick links below.

Conversions are an integral part of mathematics and everyday problem-solving. From changing units of measurement to transforming numerical values, mastering conversions is a valuable skill. Whether you are using our calculators to help support your learning and check your math homework calculationsor tackling real-world challenges, the knowledge of conversions will always come in handy. Lets take a look at the conversion calculators and tutorials we have to support you:


In mathematical terms, a "conversion" refers to changing the form or unit of a quantity without altering its fundamental value. This process allows for the translation of information into different formats or units, making it more understandable or compatible with various contexts or systems. Here are several types of conversions commonly encountered in mathematics:

  1. Unit Conversion: Changing the unit of measurement of a quantity. For example, converting meters to feet or grams to pounds. This type of conversion is often used in science, engineering, and everyday life to express measurements in different units while retaining the same physical quantity.
  2. Scaling: Changing the magnitude of a quantity by a specific factor. For instance, converting a map's scale so that 1 cm represents 1 km instead of 1 m.
  3. Ratios to Decimals or Percentages: Converting ratios into decimals or percentages to provide a different perspective or make the information more digestible. For example, the ratio 3:4 can be converted to 0.75 as a decimal or 75% as a percentage.
  4. Fraction to Decimal Conversion: Changing a fraction to a decimal involves dividing the numerator by the denominator. For example, the fraction 3/4 can be converted to the decimal 0.75.
  5. Angle Unit Conversion: Changing the units used to measure angles, such as converting degrees to radians.
  6. Base Conversion: Changing the base of a number system. For example, converting a number in base 10 to base 2 (binary) or base 16 (hexadecimal).
  7. Data Conversion: Changing the format of data, such as converting text to ASCII codes or encoding and decoding information.

In each of these cases, the underlying value or information remains consistent, but its expression or units are transformed. Conversions are essential for effective communication, problem-solving, and analysis across a wide range of fields.

Conversion of Weight

Converting between different units of weight is common in cooking, travel, and science. Here are the basic conversions:

1 kilogram = 1000 grams
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 kilogram ≈ 2.20462 pounds

Conversion of Ratios to Percentages and Decimals

Ratios represent a relationship between two numbers. Converting them to percentages or decimals can provide a different perspective on the data.

  • To convert a ratio to a percentage, divide the first number by the second number, multiply by 100, and add the percentage sign (%).
  • To convert a ratio to a decimal, simply divide the first number by the second number.

Conversion of Time

Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years. Knowing how to convert between these units is essential.

1 minute = 60 seconds
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 day = 24 hours
1 year ≈ 365.25 days

Conversion of Power

In physics, power is the rate at which work is done. The SI unit for power is the watt (W), but other units like horsepower (hp) are also used.

1 horsepower ≈ 746 watts

Conversion of Heat

Heat is a form of energy and can be measured in joules (J) or calories (cal), among other units. Here's how they relate:

1 calorie ≈ 4.184 joules

Conversion of Fractions

Fractions can be converted to decimals or percentages, which are often easier to work with.

  • To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.
  • To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator, multiply by 100, and add the percentage sign (%).

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