
T1 General - NT479 Northwest Territories Credit

This calculator provides the Northwest Territories credit amount to be entered on line 479 of your return.

Northwest Territories Credit
Cost of living tax credit
Adjusted net income
Enter the net income from line 236 of your return.1
Enter the total of amounts claimed on line 244 and line 250 of your return.-2
Line 1 minus line 2 (if negative, enter "0")=3
Enter the amount claimed for foreign income from line 256 of your return that is exempt under a tax treaty.6054-4
Line 3 minus line 4 (if negative, enter "0")Adjusted net income=5
Basic credit for self
If your adjusted net income (line 5) is less than $66,000, complete the calculation for line 6250 on the Territorial Worksheet.
If the amount on line 5 is $66,000 or more, enter $942 on line 6.
Credit calculated for line 6250 on the Territorial WorksheetBasic credit for self (maximum $942)62506
Cost of living tax credit supplement
If on December 31, 2024, you were 18 years of age or older, you may be entitled to a supplement to the cost of living tax credit.
If you were under 18 years of age, enter "0" on line 13 and continue on line 14.
If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2024, only one of you can claim the cost of living tax credit supplement for your family. If your spouse or common-law partner claimed the supplement for your family, enter "0" on line 13 and continue on line 14.
Basic supplement for self 7
If on December 31, 2024, you had a spouse or common-law partner, tick the box to enter $350, Otherwise "0" will be entered6247+8
Add lines 7 and 8.=9
Enter the basic credit for self from line 6.10
If on December 31, 2024, you had a spouse or common-law partner, enter the "Basic credit for self" from his or her Form NT479. Otherwise, enter "0".6248+11
Add lines 10 and 11=-12
Line 9 minus line 12 (if negative, enter "0")Cost of living tax credit supplement6249=+13
Add lines 6 and 13 (maximum $942). Enter the result on line 479 of your return.Northwest Territories credit6251=14