iCalculator™ PS"Informing, Educating, Saving Money and Time in Palestine"
PS Tax 2024

iCalculator™ PS: Palestine Tax Calculators

Welcome to iCalculator™ PS, your comprehensive suite of free tax calculators for Palestine. iCalculator™ has provided free tax calculators for Palestine since 2019. Since those early days we have extended our resources for Palestine to includes Tax Guides, Tax Videos and enhanced the tax calculators and supporting tax information. The Palestine Tax Calculator and salary calculators within our Palestine tax section are based on the latest tax rates published by the Tax Administration in Palestine. In this dedicated Tax Portal for Palestine you can access:

Palestine Tax Calculator 2024/25

The Palestine Tax Calculator below is for the 2024 tax year, the calculator allows you to calculate income tax and payroll taxes and deductions in Palestine. This includes calculations for

  1. Employees in Palestine to calculate their annual salary after tax.
  2. Employers to calculate their cost of employment for their employees in Palestine.
Palestine Tax Calculator 2024
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Advanced Palestine Salary Calculator 2024
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Discover Palestine

Palestine, recognized as a sovereign state by many countries and international organizations, occupies a unique geographical and cultural position in the Middle East. This overview explores Palestine's location, cultural heritage, and its economy's structure, offering insights into this historically rich region.

Palestine is located in the Eastern Mediterranean region, comprising the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. It borders Israel to the east, west, and south, Egypt to the southwest, and Jordan to the east. This strategic location has made it a historical crossroads for religions, cultures, and trade. Neighboring country links: Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

Palestine's culture is rich and diverse, rooted in thousands of years of history and civilization. It is a cradle of monotheistic religions, with deep historical and religious significance to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Palestinian culture is expressed through its literature, music, dance, and cuisine, which reflect the blend of influences from various civilizations that have inhabited the land. The Palestinian people are known for their hospitality, traditional crafts, and vibrant cultural festivals that celebrate their heritage.

The economy of Palestine faces unique challenges due to political instability, restricted access to natural resources, and limitations on movement and trade. Despite these obstacles, the economy has shown resilience and adaptability. Key economic sectors include agriculture, manufacturing, and services, with a growing emphasis on information and communication technology (ICT) and tourism.

Agriculture has traditionally been a cornerstone of the Palestinian economy, with the sector providing livelihoods for a significant portion of the population. Main agricultural products include olives, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Olive oil production, in particular, is a significant industry, with deep cultural and economic importance.

Manufacturing in Palestine includes textiles, food processing, and the production of pharmaceuticals, stone, and marble. Despite facing operational challenges, these industries have managed to achieve growth and contribute to employment and export earnings.

The services sector, particularly through banking, telecommunications, and ICT, has experienced growth in recent years. The ICT sector, in particular, has shown potential as a driver of economic development and youth employment, with several tech startups and companies emerging in the region.

Tourism is another significant sector, with Palestine's rich historical, religious, and cultural sites attracting visitors from around the world. Key attractions include the ancient cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron, which offer profound religious and historical significance.

In conclusion, despite facing significant challenges, Palestine boasts a rich cultural heritage and a resilient economy with diverse sectors. Its strategic location and historical significance continue to shape its development and cultural identity.

Tax Overview of Palestine

The taxation system in Palestine is designed to support the state's revenue while promoting economic development and social equity. This overview provides insights into the types of taxes, the administration of the tax system, and the implications for individuals and businesses operating within Palestinian territories.

Palestine's tax system comprises various forms of taxes, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), customs duties, and property taxes. These taxes are administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and by the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, each with its own set of tax laws and regulations. The system aims to balance the need for public revenue with the promotion of economic activity and fairness.

Income Tax

Income tax in Palestine is levied on individuals and businesses, with a structure that aims to be progressive, taxing higher income at higher rates. This system is intended to ensure that the tax burden is distributed according to the ability to pay, contributing to social equity. Taxation of income includes earnings from employment, business activities, and investments.

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

VAT is a significant source of revenue in Palestine, applied to most goods and services at the point of sale. The VAT system is designed to tax consumption within the territory, with certain exemptions and zero-rated items to alleviate the tax burden on essential goods and services. The administration of VAT is critical for ensuring the flow of revenue while minimizing the impact on consumers and businesses.

Customs Duties and Excise Taxes

Customs duties are applied to goods imported into Palestine, serving as both a source of revenue and a mechanism for regulating trade. Excise taxes are levied on specific goods, such as tobacco and alcohol, to discourage consumption and generate additional public funds. These taxes are important for controlling the market for certain products while contributing to the state's budget.

Property Taxes

Property taxes in Palestine are levied on real estate and are an important revenue source for local governments. These taxes fund public services and infrastructure, with rates varying depending on the property's location and use. The property tax system aims to ensure that property owners contribute to the costs of local community services.

The tax system in Palestine reflects the challenges and needs of the region, aiming to support public finances, economic development, and social goals. Navigating the tax landscape requires understanding the various taxes, compliance requirements, and potential benefits available. For the latest tax tools and tax tables, offering a comprehensive resource for individuals and businesses, visit our tax hub.